143 Day in Honor of Mr. Rogers: What Kind Deeds Have You Done?

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On May 23rd, Pennslyvania will celebrate a day devoted to Mr. Rogers called 143 Day by sharing kindness with one another.


This number represents how many letters are in each word for the phrase “I love you.”

Mr. Rogers was a beautiful soul who sought to bring love, healthy attitudes, and coping kills to children around the world with his modest public television show that he had to fight to protect and keep. Because of him, many children grew up learning positive values and learned how to deal with life challenges such as a divorce between parents or including everyone when the world tries to separate us for differences. He taught lessons that schools did not teach and perhaps that some parents may not have directly addressed with their children.

His life mission was based on love and his sincerity in that mission and acute ability to reach children into children’s hearts, minds, and spirits made his legacy.

May 23rd is the perfect opportunity to honor Mr. Rogers life work by doing kind deeds but we would be short sighted to not acknowledge that every day we are alive is the perfect opportunity to be kind.


What kind deed did someone do for you lately? What kindness have you shown others that was meaningful to you?